* What is the MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) ?
There is no minimum quantity needed to place an order.
* How much is the free shipment for deliveries in France ?
The free shipment for metropolitan France is 450€.
* How much is the free shipment for the international deliveries ?
The free shipment for the international is depending on the area delivered, in order to know more about that, please feel free to contact your regular salesperson. If you are not a customer, don't hesitate to ask here
* When and how to contact Acton ?
Acton sales service is open from Monday to Friday : 8 to 12 am and then 13.30 to 18 pm.
By phone : +33 (0) 4 77 73 35 43
Online : request for information
* Why to create a ID on the website ?
If you have a account number, you can create your web ID in order to :
- Place your orders online
- Do your quotation online
- Check your prices
- Check our stock in real time
* How to create a web ID ?
Please feel free to download our operating procedure in PDF by clicking here.
* I am a private individual, what can I do on this website ?
You can consult the « Support » tab on which you can find technical informations about the common products of stainless steel fasteners and fixings.
* How to proceed if I loose my password ?
Click on Forgotten password
* How to enter rapidly my internet orders ?
You can use the Quick input
* How to print my basket ?
You can click on the print link, at the left head of your basket page.

* Where to find the data sheet of Acton pieces ?
Some products sold by Acton are standards. In this case, the norm of the product and the ones that refers to it act as data sheets. The data sheets of the non-standards products are available in the « Support » tab of the website.
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